Friday, March 1, 2013

It's been a while..

Whoa, why didn't anyone tell me it had been over six months since I last posted on this blog? As you can probably tell from my two other blogs, I love to write! The problem is...I am altogether too busy to do as much writing as I would like! I would like to say, however, that life is truly good. Our family is adjusting to all this togetherness in positive ways and I am truly, truly, grateful for all of the inspiration and help I have received from family, friends, cute husband and a kind and loving Heavenly Father. Without all you peeps I would be eternally lost.

Although, there has been an extremely large amount of things that have happened in the life of our family since I last posted....I am not going to post specifics. Alas, reader, there are just too many. I do promise that I will post in a more regular way and be more attune to my responsibilities to you, my faithful readers.

Therefore, I will end this post with positive thoughts sent your way and also a funny/darling/inspirational thing Avery said that has absolutely nothing to do with this post.....but...oh well.. LOL

Avery faked sick in a big way the other day. This is actually highly unlike her and I was surprised when I discovered her secret. She did this on a day I needed to be at school and there was nobody around to take care of her. She packed a "sick bag" and came with me for a day at UVU. While we rounded the corner of Santaquin and Payson she saw the temple under construction. She said, and I quote: "Mom, wouldn't living next to the temple be a wonderful experience?"

Touche, dear Avery, Touche...