Monday, August 15, 2011

"Busy"-ness Equals "Happy"-ness... BUSY really is an understatement!!! But Fun does not even begin to describe this summer so far. What have we done?? You might ask!! What haven't we done??? Fo' Realz!!! We were finally able to get all of the kids on Friday the 5th of August and we really haven't stopped going since. We started that day with a trip to Lagoon!!! Everyone had a blast. The little kids could not stop riding Bombora. I'll bet we rode that ride a good 5,345 times considering the fact that the ride itself is about 1.3 seconds of roller-coasting beach boys music fun and the line doesn't take much longer. Before that though we started off Lagoon with my patent-pending Lagoon ride order. See...the secret soon as the gates open you run like a chicken without a head to the very back of the park to The Rattle Snake Rapids....and here's why......wait for it.....wait for it.......... Ummmmm there is no line!!! LOL! I know my insane brilliance even scares me sometimes... Anyway you can ride Rattle Snake Rapids 25 times if you so desire before you have to spend one minute standing in line. And if anyone has experience at Lagoon they will tell you that the Rattle Snake Rapids usually has a good 35 to 40 minute wait. I know...I know.... I am sure I will receive many tear filled thank-you cards in the future for this little jewel of a secret!! Ok.....I got off on a tangent for a minute.....Anyway.... We had fun. I would have to say my favorite ride is The Samurai... Ashton says his is either the Colossus or the Wicked. Although he did proclaim the Colossus as being "extremely old" considering the fact that it had been there literally since Lagoon had opened it's doors. (WHATEV!) I, being apparently "Extremely old" (according to Ashton and my dearest Hubs Rust) too, unfortunately remember the day the Colossus was the newest ride in the park!! LOL! Sigh......... So Lagoon was a blast!

During this summer extravaganza we also went to the Barbara Petersen Family reunion. Which was fun. There the girls sang in the talent show. Cedar and Avery sang "I am a Child of God". (And forgot a bunch of the words....I know, I don't have to say it....I do get the mom of the year award!!! LOL) Savannah and Kenna sang a Taylor Swift song... and Gracie, Dakota and Ridge....did their amazing "pushed-out" laugh for the crowd. LOL LOL.... Ashton....well Ashton....ummmm Ashton watched. heheheheh....

Speaking of Ashton, he did his best at driving us all crazy this summer. With his trademark "Ridgy-Ridge!!!" and blanket fort dismantling he won the hearts of all and brought many a tear. ;-) He also became the "Professor of Backflips" on the tramp. He spent many hours coaching Ridge until Ridge was able to finally do a backflip. He also did his best with Savannah and Dakota... (and me...) But unfortunately we did not pass his class........LOL Although I did receive some sweet front-flipping skills... He also had my hot hubs show off his extreme back-flipping skills just to show me how lame I really am.....Thanks Ash!! Speaking of the hubs...he has no mercy during pillow fights on the tramp....just sayin'....

We did also attend the Juab county fair. We saw the R.C. cars race, we saw the Lead Line competition, the ATV Rodeo (BORING!!), watched Juab County Idol (LOLOL) and walked through all the displays. We watched the movie in the park at the fair. It started at 10:00 p.m. So we all showed up in our pajamas with a pile of blankets the size of Mt. Everest and watched "Mars Needs Moms" The movie was awesome! Just ask Ridge and I. Everyone else fell asleep...LOL After the movie Ridge proclaimed that they needed to do a second movie like that entitled "Mars Needs Dads." I emphatically agreed. We tried to go to the Demolition Derby but one event into it we were told to "Please DON'T Panic...but this is an emergency and everyone needs to exit the arena RIGHT NOW!!" LOL! So we did our best not to panic and went back to our car to watch the Demolition Derby get rained and lightninged out..... BOO!!!!

So here we are on our last week before school starts....blah!!! We are going to take Savannah to get shots. Do school clothes shopping for a herd of small human beings and hopefully go swim in Mona Reservoir....
Someone said there was a rope swing out there we needed to try out.....?????!!!
Then it's back to the pencils, notebooks and desks for another year! And even though life is the busiest it has ever been....It is the happiest too...... I hope you are all enjoying whats left of your summer too....

p.s. There was some other craziness going on in the background are a few pix....

Did I mention Ridge got two teeth pulled at Cedar View Pediatric Dentistry??? Yep...We did that too!! All 7 kids at the dentist at one time!! Doctor Tyler is the bomb!!

Gracie, Avery, Ridge, Cedar and Dakota all tried their hand at being Sheriff.... Rust wanted to but chickened out...(I still love him anyway ;-)...)

Savannah and Dakota had the bottom half of their legs amputated as well.......

Cedar and Avery were princesses and Ridge was their protector...with his weapon...(the green fish)

and on a side note I did ALMOST win a chocolate-cream pie eating contest at Doctor Tyler's house..... "ALMOST" being the key word. I was rudely reminded that second place is the first loser. The Hubs also came in second place in his pie eating contest... wish I had a pic of that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My daughter Savannah did however win her pie eating contest!! She makes her mother proud!! :-) LOL!! Dakota, Gracie, Avery and Ridge did good too! :-)

......and yes...the laundry did get done... ;-)

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