Thursday, August 4, 2011

Our Treasure....

"Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven,: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." —Matthew 6:19,20

(Rust doth corrupt....LOL! get it....Rust doth corrupt....hehehehe) ok but to be serious....It's easy, in life, to become caught up in the stressful whirlwind of to-do's, to-get-done-soons and the to-get-done-RIGHT NOW's. Life is crazy. As most of you know I am crashing through school at a break-neck speed. I'm cramming down summer classes, working almost full time, trying to uphold my current 4.0, and facing some major upper division classes in the fall. And as ALL of you (I hope) know I just grew my family by three absolutely amazing kids and one "love of my life" sexy hubbs. It is my goal though, to never forget what brings true and lasting happiness......Family. My 7 children are the treasure I hold most dear and precious to my heart. I hope they never forget how much Poppa and I love them. I also hope they realize we would do anything for them.

They are idols of hearts and of household!
They are angels of God in disguise;
The sunlight still sleeps in their tresses,
His glory still gleams in their eyes;
These truants from home and from Heaven,
They have made me more gentle and mild;
And I know now how Jesus could liken
the kingdom of God to a child. -Charles Dickinson

The riches of this world are as dust compared to the riches that await the faithful in the mansions of our Heavenly Father. How foolish is he who spends his days in the pursuit of things that rust and fade away. -Joseph B. Wirthlin

..........I could, however, live without all of the laundry..........;-)

So please click "Follow" and read our blog's sure to be full of exciting adventure, mystery, suspense, missing socks, scraped knees, mac and cheese, band-aids, fields trips, pizza and whatever else that life with 7 kids could bring. The possibilities are probably endless....LOL After all....this is only the beginning. I know you're excited.... :-)



  1. Oh Barb! My precious cousin and fellow cheeky monkey! My eyes welled up with tears of joy and happiness to see your beautiful new family! I love you so much! I just wish we lived closer! I miss having a soul sister around. It gets lonely sometimes here in the east coast. Good luck with school and tackling all the new and wonderful things that make your life now! You are truly amazing and an inspiration to me! And, your new hubby is pretty DARN cute!

  2. So excited to follow you along in your new life together!
